I believe that, every creation has a purpose to accomplish within this small span of time allotted to us.
There’s a war going on inside me to know, ‘my purpose of life’, before that I want to know, what exactly I ‘want’. Because it will ultimately take me to the final avenue and then to the destination.
Belonging to a conservative family, I’m lucky enough to have very supportive brothers & sister, but, my parents and the society (upto some extent) holds me from exploring myself fully.
And yes, the support that I enjoy also comes with, if….but…then….
There are a hell lot of things bothering me, and I’ll jot them down in my upcoming posts.
The rampant one is, Career vs Livelihood?
How badly, we have confused livelihood with career and by doing so we are not only desolating our present but also the many future generations ahead of us.
We earn money to live or we live to earn money???
It’s quite visible what we are doing.
We are gifted with a life, good or bad, smooth or harsh, blessed or cursed, but the fact is, we have it, and it depends on us how we are going to live it.
The fact that I’m sitting here, writing all this is due to the pressure, pressure of expectations,
Funny ha!!!
My father being a central government service holder thinks that a god job (grate if Govt.) and material possession (as much as possible), makes a life complete or secure or whatever. He has a valid point, he has worked really hard to be where he is. But then it was his odyssey, it can’t be mine or everyone’s. And not to forget, even the society is not going to give approval to your existence until and unless you prove yourself, that too according to their understanding…….
I’m sure every individual must have been through this, in some point of their life. Some accept it and run with the crowd, some enjoy it while others break it and find their own paths.
As far as I’m concerned, I want to LIVE.

Wake up every morning to the sunrise, lots of hard work and living with the nature through out the day, evenings would bring with it the mysteries of the universe and a peaceful night knowing that the stars are watching you all night.
I know its not so easy, but then, who wants it to be easy???
God has already created enough challenges, what’s the need to create more?
Moreover, career is not a way of living. It’s a rat race. You compete with others instead of yourself. There are times when you may feel happy but never content, you are not recognized for what you are but by your designation, possessions, achievements, recognitions, etc etc etc. You envy others for no reasons and have to keep wearing a mask, hiding not only from them but also ourselves. A career demands a certain quality from us and performing a similar kind of work for 30 yrs we never explore ourselves fully and brutally suppress the many other gifts of God, we devote our time to an artificial environment not realizing its effect and most of all ‘time’ & our family to whom we are responsible for……..the list can go onnnnnnnn.
I just did a little calculation, on this ‘time fact’ and the result is-
One day :24 hrs
We sleep for: 8-9 hrs (minimum)
Work for :8-9 hr (minimum)
Before & after office works:3 hrs (minimum)
Refreshment (Reading news paper, friends, T.V etc): 1 hr (minimum)
Total:21 hr
So left 3 hrs (maximum), it depends how you spend these 3hrs, quality time with family or with yourself, solving family issues, making budget plan, shopping, partying ……….
Let’s add the weekends, total comes to: 3+12=15hrs
In one week time left with us is 15 hrs,
One month: 60hrs =2.5 days
One year: 30 days (maximum)
30 yrs (working period): 900 days = 2 yrs 5 months & 20 days, lets say 3 yrs!!!
Utmost, only for Central govt staff. Forget software engineers, business men, managers etc.
Then after a certain age, our so called secure jobs or high yielding business bids us farewell and we shamelessly, return to the people with whom we have spent this good amount of time expecting what?
The problem is not what we are doing with our lives, its our life & our decision, but who gave us the right to play with the lives of the future generations, with the environment, with other members who are sharing this earth with us?
And what for ……….?
It’s getting lengthier & lengthier and I still can go on, but then I'll get lost........
So collecting back myself, the only thing I wish, is to build life around me, for myself and others.
Wish me luck & lots of Love!!!

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ReplyDeletecareer ...what a precious words for those who are moving towards next step of studies....
ReplyDeletecathrin disusa
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Definitely i wish u best of luck
ReplyDeleteand on part of comment all i can say "Be the change"(rang de basanti vala) and hope u r on ur way of becoming one,so double luck for that.
Tank you Suryakant for your sweet comment.