On the other hand our modern education and the influence of western culture makes all this appear superstitious and baseless.
A fight between the heart and the mind starts.
I always believed, that there things are not just an activity, that this beautiful creation is not just a co-incidence but my education will open up my eyes now and then to the facts.
I was going through a very tough time of my life both emotionally and physically. Then I decided to take up my long pending desire to practice Yoga and I joined Shivananda Yoga Kendra.
Yoga practice starts with a Prayer followed by Ashanas and Pranayam. Saturdays are meant for internal cleaning, (Kunjal & Neti) and sundays are for Meditation.
Swamiji always said Ashanas will give you 40% benefit, Pranayam-60% and Meditation-80%.
Practice of Ashanas is very challenging as well as fun and after Suryanamaskar, Sava-ashan is a privilage. Mostly people fall asleep during Sava-ashan.
The aim of Pranayam is to concentrate on our breaths-the source of our lives. And this takes us deep within.
Because today we are in a state where we are well informed about things happening around us or things that interests us but never take notice of things within us. Otherwise how could we missed on the relationship between two non living things which gives birth to LIFE.
As time passed by, I realized the more I got connected with myself the better I felt.
Today I can say that the solutions to our problems is not outside. No person, no material possession, no government, no country can stop problems from entering into our lives, Problems will find their ways.....
So, if you are tired of blaming others, tired of fighting then its time to look Within.
As far as health problems are concerned, let me tell you, my doctor was surprised to see my blood test report which was absolutely normal .......for Hyper Thyroid(in less than one year)
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